Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year! Bring on the Dental Cleanings.

Keeping your pet healthy is more than getting them their yearly vaccinations.  Just like humans, pets need routine dental care to maintain overall wellness.  Periodontal disease is a serious issue found in 85% of pets 4 years of age and older.  If left untreated, your pet can suffer from its ill-effects such as inflamed and painful gums, bad breath, bone loss, loose teeth, and infections that can spread to other parts of the body.  This New Year we will be promoting your pet’s dental health through continuing education articles, Facebook tips, and ideas for good home care.

Additionally, we are offering 50% off enrollment to our Life Time Wellness Dental Plans for those pets that qualify! Dental plans start at just $22 a month. Contact us today for more information, 970-330-7283.

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