Monday, November 17, 2014

Senior Lifetime Wellness Plans and Lifetime Dental Plans Promotions

In honor of Senior Pet Quarter all senior Lifetime Wellness Plan enrollment fees are $50 off. Renewal fees are discounted by $25. The veterinarians and team at West Ridge Animal Hospital believe in preventive care. We advocate that a pet’s optimum wellness is achieved through love, care, routine examinations, vaccinations, good dental health, and continuing education as we learn more about your devoted and loving friend. Our Lifetime Wellness Plans include all of the American Animal Hospital Associations recommendations for basic preventive care for your cat or dog; including twice yearly preventive care examinations, vaccinations, annual lab work, and discounted routine or emergency office examinations.

We had such great client feedback when we started our Lifetime Wellness Program and in response to your request created our Lifetime Dental Plans this year. Periodontal disease is a serious issue found in 85% of pets 4 years and older. If left untreated, your pet can suffer from its ill effects such as inflamed and painful gums, bad breath, bone loss, loose teeth, and infections that can spread to the other parts of the body.

 Through December 31st all senior pets who qualify will receive $25 off the enrollment into a dental health plan.

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