Friday, January 2, 2009

ASPCA Public Announcement

From Bruce Allenbaugh, Chief Marketing Officer for comes this message:

"Dear Fellow Animal Lover:

There are few things more satisfying than knowing you've helped an animal live a happier, healthier life. And no one understands more than you that these tough economic times also affect animals, as people are sometimes forced to give up a pet and contributions to animal charities decline dramatically.

That's why has launched the Search & Rescue program. Now, you can help us support the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and rescue pets just by doing what you already do- searching the web.

  • Search - is a search engine that provides the best results from all the leading search engines. And through this program, a portion of the revenue generated will be donated to the ASPCA.
  • Rescue - Our ultimate goal is to raise $1 million by the end of 2009 to support pet rescue efforts.
The more people search, the more we can donate. That's where you come in.

Visit for more information.

Thank you for your support."

You can be assured that the team here at West Ridge Animal Hospital will be using, and we hope you will join us in supporting the ASPCA, too.

"The fact that animal lovers everywhere can help the ASPCA simply by searching the internet with speaks to the unique and simple ways in which we can all give back. Through the support from and consumers everywhere who use the the Website to search, we can continue our mission of helping animals in need."
- Ed Sayres, President and CEO, ASPCA

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