Friday, December 12, 2008

Pet Overpopulation Fund

The Board of Directors of the Pet Overpopulation Fund has requested that we pass on the following information:

163,700 dogs and cats entered
Colorado shelters in 2007...
nearly 45,000 were euthanized.

The Pet Overpopulation Fund,
a Colorado tax checkoff,
is working to save animal's lives.

What is the Pet Overpopulation Fund?
The Pet Overpopulation Fund was created by the Colorado State Legislature to curb pet overpopulation and reduce euthanasia of surplus, unwanted animals. In the 6 years since its inception, the Fund has subsidized more than 32,000 spay and neuter surgeries for dogs and cats in underserved areas of Colorado.

How can I help?
You can donate to the Pet Overpopulation Fund on your Colorado tax return. Simply enter the amount you wish to contribute on the appropriate line of your tax form -- no amount is too small. The State of Colorado will forward the designated amount to the Fund.

How will my donation be used?
Your donation will help fund grants to local coalitions of veterinarians, animal care and control agencies, and community groups in underserved areas of Colorado to perform spay and neuter surgeries. The Pet Overpopulation Fund also helps create and implement education programs that encourage Coloradans to have their pets spayed or neutered. All donations are used to benefit the animals; administrative services are provided at no cost to the Fund.

Are there other ways to donate?
You may contribute directly to the Fund at any time by sending a donation payable to the "Pet Overpopulation Fund" to:

Colorado Pet Overpopulation Fund
1805 South Bellaire Street, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80222

Your gift is tax deductible and will help save a pet's life!

Visit for more information.

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