Friday, April 4, 2014

Monthly Heartworm Prevention: Why Does My Dog Need It and What Does It Cover?

It's that time of year again; spring is in the air!  Many people and animals love this time of year because they have the chance to get outside and enjoy the warm sunshine and beautiful weather.  But you and your furry friends aren't the only ones to enjoy the new season.  Predators lurk, waiting just outside your doors.  One of these sneaking creatures would love to slip inside a crack in your window and make a blood meal out of you or your unsuspecting pet.  Want to know what this nasty little guy is?  A mosquito!  These guys seem like a mere nuisance, biting and giving us annoying itchy bumps; yet what most people don't realize is that mosquitoes can carry heartworm larvae that can easily infect our unprotected pets.

Many people will say, "Fluffy doesn't go outside but to go potty a few times a day, so I don't think I need to worry." Or, "The area I live in doesn't have many mosquitoes, so Fluffy doesn't need protection."  Heartworm disease is prevalent in all fifty states, and all it takes is one bite from a mosquito to infect your pet.  Heartworms live in your pet's arteries; they multiply until there are so many of them that the blood cannot flow properly. Treatment for heartworms is costly and dangerous but also lifesaving. Heartworms are scary, but there are several preventive options on the market.

West Ridge Animal Hospital uses a product called Sentinel that protects your pet against not only heartworms, but other intestinal parasites that they might bring home to you and your family. Sentinel Flavor Tabs and Sentinel Spectrum are oral medications proven to help protect your dogs from heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, and flea eggs.  Spectrum goes one step further and protects against tapeworms as well!  Both medications contain powerful, safe, and well tolerated drugs (Mibemycin Oxime, Lufenuron, and Proziquantel added to Spectrum) to kill heartworms and other parasites before they can cause serious health problems to your furry friends.  This monthly preventive product also has the ability to protect your dogs by killing flea eggs from hatching and developing into a full blow flea infestation.

As evidenced by the comparison chart below, Sentinel and Sentinel Spectrum both have the ability to thoroughly protect your pets with an easy to administer monthly dose. Sentinel is a proven product. It is safe and effective in preventing not only heartworm disease, but intestinal parasites that could possibly infect your family.  All you need to do to get your dogs started on this monthly parasite preventative is a yearly heartworm blood test that can be performed at your veterinarian's office.  This test ensures that your pet is not already infected with heartworms and can safely receive the preventive.  So get out there and enjoy the beautiful weather with the knowledge that you are protecting your dog and family all with a little flavored tab!

Heartworm Prevention: Dogs

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